Home Decluttering

During this time of the pandemic, we have nothing but time. Why not Decluttering! When you declutter, is helps your to declutter your mind, reduces stress and increases self-esteem. To have a peaceful life, you have to declutter your home! A clutter-free home allows you to perform daily tasks more efficiently because everything you need is readily available and within reach. According to Dr. Robert London, a New York City-based mental health professional, “Clutter leads to anxiety, embarrassment, family stresses…”
Lets get started, room-by-room. Below are tips to tackle decluttering your home. First, create four boxes:

Box 1: Trash – Designate a box for items that trash. Any items you want to get rid of that aren’t worth donating or selling should go here. 

Box 2: Give Away – Designate a box for items that you can donate to a Salvation Army or another person. These should be items you love, but don’t have a use for it. {Don’t forgive your tax write off slip!}

Box 3: Storage – Designate a box for things that you do not want to get rid of, but don’t use everyday!

Box 4: Put Away – Designate a box for any items that need to be in it’s proper place.

Decluttered your home needs to start room-by-room, below are the rooms in your home that have to be tackled as you declutter:

The Bathroom: Start with your medicine cabinet. Discard outdated medications, makeup, and skincare products.

The Bedroom: Start with your nightstands and remove anything on there that doesn’t belong and put it in your Put Away box.  

The Closet: Ask yourself the tough questions: When was the last time I wore this? Do I really wear this?

This is the perfect time to declutter your home, room-by-room. Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today! Which room in your home are you going to declutter first, I would love you hear your thoughts!

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