During this time of the pandemic, we have nothing but time. Why not Decluttering! When you declutter, is helps your to declutter your mind, reduces stress and increases self-esteem. To have a peaceful life, you have to declutter your home! A clutter-free home allows you to perform daily tasks more efficiently because everything you need is readily available and within reach. According to Dr. Robert London, a New York City-based mental health professional, “Clutter leads to anxiety, embarrassment, family stresses…”
Lets get started, room-by-room. Below are tips to tackle decluttering your home. First, create four boxes:
Box 1: Trash – Designate a box for items that trash. Any items you want to get rid of that aren’t worth donating or selling should go here.
Box 2: Give Away – Designate a box for items that you can donate to a Salvation Army or another person. These should be items you love, but don’t have a use for it. {Don’t forgive your tax write off slip!}
Box 3: Storage – Designate a box for things that you do not want to get rid of, but don’t use everyday!
Box 4: Put Away – Designate a box for any items that need to be in it’s proper place.
Decluttered your home needs to start room-by-room, below are the rooms in your home that have to be tackled as you declutter:
The Bathroom: Start with your medicine cabinet. Discard outdated medications, makeup, and skincare products.
The Bedroom: Start with your nightstands and remove anything on there that doesn’t belong and put it in your Put Away box.
The Closet: Ask yourself the tough questions: When was the last time I wore this? Do I really wear this?
This is the perfect time to declutter your home, room-by-room. Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today! Which room in your home are you going to declutter first, I would love you hear your thoughts!
Virtual Hugs,

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